Cars Registered Before 2000 are Banned in Paris

Independent informs that the French capital has banned vehicles registered before 2000 to fight pollution in the city.

A new law requires all cars to have a sticker indicating which of six categories it fits into — indicating the year of the vehicle’s registration, its energy efficiency and its emission quantity.

Any diesel-run vehicle that has a ‘Level 5’ sticker on their windscreen, indicating they were produced from 1997 to 2000, is not allowed on the road. Around six per cent of France’s 32 million cars fall into this category. Those vehicles registered from earlier than 1997 and trucks and buses from before 2001 are completely banned from driving in the city from Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm.

The new law arose some discontent in the citizens of Paris as, according to them, it targets only the poor citizens, who are struggling and cannot afford to buy a new car.

In fact, Paris authorities have also urged people to take public transport if possible, and have offered a “pollution ticket”, which costs €3.60 for a whole day of travel anywhere in Paris.

According to one study cited by the French environment ministry, almost 48,000 people die from respiratory problems linked to air pollution per year. Professor Jocelyne Just, an asthma and allergies consultant in France said the number of children suffering from asthma and allergies are increasing. And the reason is the polluted air.

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