Feed your Newborn Baby with Natural Organic Formula!
Foods grown without chemical pesticides, insecticides and non-genetically modified seeds are intuitively preferred, be it for environmental reasons, chemical sensitivities, or a desire to protect future health by avoiding foods that could be discov...
You have the power to change the world
Start by preserving food ! Food waste is a global problem amounting to immense financial and environmental costs. If you operate a food truck or restaurant this waste can cut in your bottom line in a big way. Annually, These statistics can even go h...
Motor that Could Potentially Transform EVs Industry
There is no doubt that electrification is key to addressing climate change. Because electricity is But most electric vehicles on our roads today use permanent magnet motors. This is because it’s a proven technology and was, until now, ...
Let’s Make Everyday Earth Day!
April 22 is an international day dedicated to our planet. It draws attention to the environment and encourages a green future. Every year on this day, nearly 1 billion individuals in more than 190 countries take action to raise awareness of the climate cr...